Revisiting Previous Shoots…


Recently, I had to back up all of my work and Lightroom catalogues so I decided to use the opportunity to re-edit some older images…

It’s strange I’ve been working on photographs from shoots that perhaps originally I ignored or skimmed past.

I didn’t just want these new edits stuck in a folder on my MAC so I made the decision to post one per day on my Instagram profile: ( @carlbeebee )

The shot above is from a home studio session with model Jo Fry I shot a couple of years ago. There’s a fair few images from that shoot that I’ve used in various portfolios and marketing etc – but to my knowledge this is the first time this particular shot has been edited and uploaded anywhere online…

I hope you like some of the images and hopefully it will inspire others to actually have a proper look through some of their older images – it may just surprise you!

Thanks for reading…

Film, Polaroids & The Digital Revolution.


Double Exposed Polaroid 600 – Circa. 2000.

Nearly everything I shoot these days is in digital because let’s face it; it’s easier, cheaper, quicker and often (usually) more commercially viable. Bridge cameras, DSLR’s and iPhones have all helped bring the digital revolution to the forefront of photography. It’s nothing new. But it leaves me cold. More people than ever now take photographs. This is a good thing I realise but I think it takes away the love of it all. I realise I’m probably not explaining this too well but there is something so unique, and so special about shooting with a film or Polaroid camera.

I’ve recently moved house, and this gave me a great excuse and to sort through boxes and boxes of 35mm negatives and exposed Polaroids. I looked through them all, and they just seem to hold so much more substance. They are real. Printed in front of me. There is in my opinion an art to them which will forever elude digital photography. 

I’m aware there are many photographers that still shoot in film, but in truth it’s not something I do enough of and I need to change that. I need to feel like a “photographer” again and in my humble opinion shooting with film is such a large part of that.

I decided that I needed some personal projects to work with to use film again so I started to look through the internet to gather some inspiration. I came across a great article on by David Geffin titled ‘Why I’ve gone back to shooting film, and why you should too’ It essentially told me what I already felt and I found myself nodding in agreement as he suggested that our DSLR’s have “turned us into the equivalent of photographic sloths”

I then watched a film which I had been meaning to watch for a while called ‘Finding Vivian Maier’ who was a Nanny in America but had a somewhat secretive life as a street photographer. I’d urge anyone with an interest in film photography to watch this film.

For me, I’ve decided that for the first time in years, next month I will shoot a model completely on Impossible Project Polaroid 600 film. I’m looking forward to this shoot more than any other I have done in a serious amount of time. I have also been wondering for some time how I could make my 2nd California book different to the first. I am now starting to consider shooting a large portion of the book on Medium Format film as well as Impossible Project…

Thinking about film, and how I can implement it has kind of taken me back to where I started and in all honesty it has helped me regain my love for the art form which is photography.


Those that have been reading my blog for a while know that I have a bit of a love, hate relationship with Instagram.

Just recently however, I’ve tried to use it a little more purposefully, and I have to say I’m really enjoying it.

I only upload images that have actually been taken on the iPhone but I do try and mix things up a little bit by uploading “proper” photographs (portraits, places etc.) as well as shooting some behind the scenes images from photo shoots along with just completely random photos (see above).

If you use Instagram please follow me on @carlbeebee – and leave a comment in the comment section below with your username so I can follow you back.


I don’t often use ‘Instagram’ anymore. I don’t really have anything against it I just generally prefer to build Lightroom Presets that I think suit individual photographs.

Having said that, I took the photograph above a couple of days ago on my iPhone and tried a few different presets, but I couldn’t get it how I wanted. I got frustrated and bored so decided to whack it into Instagram.

As it turned out I really love the look of it with it’s current filter so I was pleasantly surprised… Maybe I should give Instagram a little more thought in the future…